The book "Ved du, hvem du er?"

“Make yourself and each other shine.” 3 experts in their respective fields have created this book, with inspiration, for you who would like to become clearer about yourself and others in order for you and others to succeed. Easy to read and has a lot of 4MAT - types and diversity.


Author: Arne Nielsson, Hanne Houbak and Anne Hermansen
Publisher: Peoples Press
Date of issue: April 9th 2014
ISBN nr.: 978-87-7137-6081
Pages: 358
Hardback - color print

Jyllandsposten (Danish newspaper) wrote:

The book is a serious hands-on toolbox with effective tools to create both self-insight and understanding of other people's worldview - and at the same time a humorous insight into the differences and traits that we sometimes wonder and gets frustrated about with each other. “Ved du, hvem du er?” is written by Arne Nielsson, Hanne Houbak and Anne Hermansen.

Presentation of the book at TV2 Lorry:

Arne Nielsson and Hanne Houbak were interviewed by Nanna Andreasen in Danish television on the release day. See the program here:
The presentation at TV2 Lorry

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Book Reviews:


E-book and audiobook:

The book is published as both E-book and audiobook. You can find them at the bookstores on the web. The audiobook can also be listened to at online libraries like Mofibo and Storytel.


Hardback DKK. 240,-
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