Webinar & Online Facilitator
Learn how to effectively and successfully facilitate online training and webinars.
Use it in your marketing, as inspiration for your customers, in your educational programs - blended learning, knowledge sharing, follow-up, meetings ....
The program consists of 4 modules. In the first three modules, you participate in a learning process facilitated online. On the last module you conduct your own online session of max. 1 hour in duration and receive personal feedback. You also have the opportunity to attend fellow students' online sessions, and thereby gain further inspiration.
We do our work while we learn...
Your outcome:
- An understanding on why online training is brilliant
- Insight into application possibilities
- An understanding on the "dos and don'ts"
- Interaction - How to engage your audience
- Confidentiality with the work "behind the screen"
- Optimization and focus on your performance
- Insight in planning – before, under and after
- Facilitation - Create inspiring online training
- Confidentiality with the system – learning by doing
This course is provided exclusively as synchronous Online Training in group of maximum 10 participants. The course focuses on the design of online facilitation and your performance "behind the screen". The course is not a technical course, but of course we use technology as a tool for our dissemination.
The course:
Module 1: “Introduction to online training"
Online session of 2 hours duration
Homework after Module 1:
Consider a topic / theme, software selection, and time frame
Module 2: "4MAT design - Plan the effective course"
Online session of 2 hours duration
Homework after module 2:
Design your online session based on the 4 steps from the 4MAT method
Modul 3: "The key to inspiring online training"
Online session of 2 hours duration
Homework after module 3:
Prepare your Online session, Powerpoint / video / system demo etc., schedule interaction ...
Modul 4: "Online træning/webinars spot on."
Your own webinar of maximum. 1 hour duration with personal feedback.
Scheduled with each participant
Settled both with open teams and company-adapted courses. By request we can also conducted this process face to face.
Next course:
Course 151:
Module 1: 4.11.2024 - AM 9.00 - 11.00
Module 2: 11.11.2024 - AM 9.00 - 11.00
Module 3: 18.11.2024 - AM 9.00 - 11.00
Module 4: Individual time schedule
You can book your individual on our open courses. We also run this course as a company setup if you are more than 4 participants.
The course can also be facilitated face to face by request.
Standard price DKK. 7.500,- excl. VAT per. participant
Sign up:
Please fill in the registration form by pressing "register". Your registration is valid when we have sent you a confirmation.